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Apr 18, 2019

Jacuzzi Hot Tub Easter Offers and Opening Hours

I don't know about you, but Easter has come around really fast. Hence why, at 20:30pm on Easter Thursday, I'm sat writing this update rather than pouring myself a large glass of wine.

I could disappoint you though, so here is our latest update:

Jacuzzi Hot Tub Easter Offers

Jacuzzi J-335 Hot Tub Offer

For the whole of April, you can enjoy 0% interest free credit over three years and a FREE delivery pack with every brand new Jacuzzi J-335 hot tub. There are a number of colour combinations available for quick delivery, giving you the whole of spring and summer to enjoy relaxing, socialising and feeling a sense of total renewed well-being in your best-selling Jacuzzi J-335 hot tub.

3 for 2 Jacuzzi Chemicals

Yes you read it right. Until 22nd April 2019, there is a three for the price of two offer available on the popular spring cleaning Jacuzzi chemicals. This offer is only available in our showrooms, so why not pop in and use the opportunity to ask our team any questions you might have about keeping your hot tub in tip top condition.

ClearRay Bulb & Jacuzzi Filter Offer

Good things come in threes right? Well they do here. You can save £10 when you purchase your replacement ClearRay bulb and Jacuzzi filters together.

This offer will be running until 31st May 2019 and again, is only available in store.

Hot Tub Showroom Easter Opening Hours

To take advantage of these fabulous offers, you might be interested to know that all three of our showrooms are open on both Good Friday & Easter Monday from 10am to 4pm and open as usual on Easter Saturday.

To allow the Easter Bunny time to recharge his batteries and deliver eggs instead of hot tub joy, all our showrooms will be closed on Easter Sunday.

Wishing you and your families a very Happy and Chocolate filled Easter.

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