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May 14, 2015

Hot tubs in the news 14th May 2015

This morning I've woken up to two scary news stories regarding hot tubs. You may have read them. The first one features the Manchester United footballer Chris Smalling. His hot tub reportedly caught fire due to an electrical fault. Hot tubs should have their own RCD, which should prevent the wires overheating and causing an electrical fire. If you are in doubt as to whether your hot tub has it's own RCD, please ask your local electrician to check it for you. If you are concern in anyway regarding your hot tub electrics, please call your hot tub retailer or us on 02476 639147. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-32722746 The second news story is a fatal one. Three men died after using a display hot tub at a garden centre. This is such a sad and preventable story. Having just lost my grandfather (not through legionnaires), I can imagine the heartache and anger they are feeling. Our thoughts are with their families. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/three-men-killed-legionnaires-disease-5688833 Legionnaires can develop in warm stagnant, unsanitised water. As a BISTA member, we follow the guidance to test our display hot tubs and keep a record of the readings. The water in our display hot tubs is changed regularly, we ensure the filters are kept clean and the filter cycles are set correctly. We hope this provides reassurance to anyone who wishes to try out our display hot tubs. As ever, any questions, please contact us.
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