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Mar 14, 2020

Hot Tubs and Coronavirus

With all the concern regarding COVID-19, you may be wondering whether it is safe to use your hot tub. Public Heath England have said “We have checked with our national leads who confirm that coronavirus would be inactivated at the levels of chlorine used in swimming pools.” Sanitiser levels are normally kept at higher levels than swimming pools, so you can rest assured that along with the ClearRay system, the sanitiser in your hot tub will keep your water safe. We would recommend testing your hot tub water before every use to make sure the levels are in the OK range.

However, you may wish to limit who uses your hot tub during this time. The water will keep you safe, however the distance with which you will be next to someone will be closer than the social distancing guidance of one meter and the virus could be passed that way. I know my hot tub is going to be my sanctuary during this time. Every marathon, short break and holiday I've booked has been cancelled; so spending 20 minutes in the hot tub will take me away from the news updates, the toilet roll aisle pictures on social media and help me to reset and calm down.

Hot Tub Studio's Plan

We are taking the safety of our customers and staff very highly. Our technical team have been given guidance to keep them safe and our customers safe. They will be continuing to test your hot tub water before starting a job. They have been asked to wipe touch pads and covers before touching them. When calling through for payment, they will no longer pass their phone to you for card details. They will ask the showroom to call you directly. They are following guidance regarding feeling unwell. This potentially could cause disruption to service visits and deliveries. Wherever possible we will try to avoid this, but we do ask for your understanding through this difficult time.

We will keep our showrooms open, but please do not come in if you are feeling unwell. We can post chemicals to you.

We are also keeping an eye on the government guidance, so our plans may change with very little notice.

Wishing you all the best through this difficult time.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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