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Jun 09, 2015

First the Hot Tub Cinema, now Supper Tub!

First the Hot Tub Cinema, now Supper Tub!

An event organiser in London is launching Supper Tub this month at the back of Bar 90. The concept is simple: A two hour experience of three course finger food, cocktails and chat with your friends in a hot tub on the side of a canal in London.

The price: £270 for up to six people or £90 per couple (+fees)

Supper Tub
I find it amazing! You can hire a hot tub from us for 2 weeks for less than the two hour dining slot. But do you know what? It will sell out. Just like the hot tub cinema. If you fancy it, here is the link http://www.suppertub.co.uk/ Alternatively, you could call us on 01869 327698 and hire our hot tub for your garden :)
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