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World Renowned Hydrotherapy from Jacuzzi

A hydrotherapy massage delivers a combination of heat, buoyancy and massage for instant relaxation. The positive benefits of hydrotherapy can be felt long after you have left your hot tub. A few minutes in a hot tub a day can help you to live a healthier lifestyle. We hope our little guide helps you to gain deeper understanding into the benefits of water therapy. If you have any questions, as ever, please contact us.

Hydrotherapy Benefits

Recover Faster

Hydrotherapy facilitates the removal of lactic acid to relieve muscle soreness and recover from injuries faster.

Improve Circulation

Hydrotherapy can open up the blood vessels to improve circulation.

Relax Muscles

Hydrotherapy can relax the muscles around painful and arthritic joints


Hydrotherapy promotes the flow of endorphins (happy hormones) around your body lifting your mood and relaxing your mind

Hydrotherapy – Endorsed by Olympic Athletes

The benefits of hydrotherapy are far reaching and can help everyone – none more so than Olympic athletes. Helen Jenkins, Women’s World Triathlon Champion and Olympic Games competitor, finds it helps her to recover quicker after training.

“I find after using Jacuzzi hydromassage, my mind and body feel relaxed allowing me to rest and prepare for the next day both physically and mentally.”

Jacuzzi have spent almost 60 years developing their hydrotherapy massage, so undoubtedly, you will not experience a better hydromassage. That doesn’t mean if your budget does not reach to buying a Jacuzzi hot tub, that you will not experience benefits from a “classic” hot tub – because you will!


There are over 7,000 nerve endings in the bottom of your feet which are linked to different areas of your body. Using the foot jets in your hot tub to apply deep pressure to the reflex points in your hands and feet, will facilitate whole body healing. Deep tissue massage not only relieves tension in your feet and muscles, it also increases blood circulation, which promotes faster healing.


Aromatherapy is defined as the use of evaporating plant oils, including essential oils, for psychological and physical wellbeing. Specific scents can have beneficial effects on your mind and body. Special aromatherapy scents can be added to your hot tub water to stimulate aroma healing too.


Light has a profound effect on your mood and peace of mind. Just as we all need sunlight, we also benefit from specific properties of the individual light spectrum. Each colour has its own wavelength and energy vibration.

  • Red – stirs passion and desire for transformation
  • Green – creates feelings of satisfaction with living in the moment
  • Blue – bestows a sense of tranquility, peacefulness and contentment
  • Violet – promotes feelings of intimacy
  • Teal – Facilitates a balance of logic and emotion
  • Purple – Invigorates creativity and appreciation of the arts